
The 8th season of the international beauty contest, Miss Insta Asia, came to an end on October 1, 2017. The beauties were awarded at the spectacular ceremony ahead of the New Year.

The winners of five nominations were presented with prize certificates from InstaForex and shared a prize pool of USD 45,000. Below you will find the most stunning girls of 2017 who were selected by the Miss Insta Asia poll. Besides, we prepared a report about the award ceremony.

You will find the highlights of the ceremony, latest news about the finished contest as well as photo report and interviews with the victors in the results section.

The organizers of the beauty contest and the website administration congratulate the ladies on their winning once again. Miss Insta Asia 2018 has already started. Take part and maybe you will win the honorable title and hefty money prize. The prize pool of the current stage totals $45,000.

Previous contests results:
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